Love This Book in 2023 (Part 2 - The Poetry)

Begins Sunday, April 16th.


Our big goal for 2023 is to fall more in love with Jesus as we journey through each book of the Bible, discovering how they all contribute to one story of God’s commitment to bless humanity and redeem a fallen world.  



May 7, 2023

Psalm 49, a wisdom psalm, begins by grabbing us by the collar and demanding our undivided attention. God has got something great and wonderful for us and choosing to live apart from God’s wisdom and boast in worldly things will be our death -unceremonious and with no eternal destination.

April 30, 2023

During our lifetime, we can invent, build, discover and achieve many things but it is highly likely that in 100 years, no one will remember you or anything you did. Sounds more than a little depressing, right? But a life spent on those pursuits still ends - time devours everyone and no one escapes death. Might we be better off living life as we actually experience it and not chasing what we think life should be? Trusting God for everything because most things in life are ultimately totally out of our control?

April 23, 2023

The book of Proverbs offers the accumulated wisdom, passed down through many generations of God’s people, so that we may live well is God’s good world. Is it a bunch of promises or a formula for success? Not at all. Proverbs does, however teach us that God’s justice and goodness are objective realities that we ignore at our own peril. Are we open to follow and apply God’s wisdom - the road to success and peace - or do we ignore it and go down the road to ruin and folly?

April 16, 2023

Why do bad things happen to good people? This is a tough one for a lot of us. We live in an amazing but complex world that, for now, is not designed to prevent suffering. We want to make sense of it all but our understanding is too simplistic - we need to trust in God’s wisdom, sovereignty and His character. We need to come before Him in honesty and prayer to help process the world and its faults, our pain and our grief.