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Resources for reading & studying the Bible:

*On reading the Bible:

*Further Study:

*Resources on the Resurrection:



  • Biblegateway.com

    Read, hear and study Scripture at the world’s most-visited Christian website. Grow your faith with devotional, Bible reading plans and mobile apps.

  • Blueletterbible.org

    Read and study God’s Word with software that has in-depth resources as commentaries, Greek and Hebrew word tools, concordances, etc.

  • Thebibleproject.com

    Watch animated videos outlinging different books and themes of the Bible - FOR ALL AGES


LOVE THIS BOOK (2018 edition) - Read through the entire narrative of the Bible, creating the habit of regularly seeking God through His Word. You will fall in love with the Bible and experience God’s will for your life, both personally and in the context of our world.


In 2023, we took a year-long deep dive into each book of the Bible, discovering how it's narrative tells the story of God’s commitment to bring good out of evil and to reconcile a fallen world to Himself.