Better Together - Summer Edition


We are picking back up with our Better Together” theme for 2022. This series will continue through July.

July 24, 2022

"For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord's death until He comes again." The Lord's table is a sacred and holy place and when believers in Jesus gather together around this table, they experience His mercy and His grace and His forgiveness. This is communion.

July 10, 2022

Unforgiveness wreaks havoc because it is borne from sin. Someone has been hurt, sometimes deeply, and as a result relationship is broken. Forgiveness is often not a choice we can make on our own - it's hard. But we need to forgive - and we are able to forgive - because we are ourselves have been forgiven a debt we could never repay.

July 3, 2022

We are continuing the 2022 "Better Together" series and diving into how the church ought to - and who ought to - respond to difficult situations regarding its members. We know the LORD desires repentance, reconciliation and unity between believers. How can we, as a church family, achieve that end when things get sticky?

June 19, 2022

When we deny personhood to people who are created image bearers of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, there is no telling what evil we can do.

June 12, 2022

There is something special that happens when believers gather together on Sunday morning. We come full of hope and holding on to the promises of God for the future. Let us be encouraging toward one another as we walk forward following Jesus.