Better Together: Building Community in 2022


On February 27th, we start a new sermon series - signs: revealing Christ to the world - focusing on the 7 miracles of Jesus in the book of John as we look forward to Lent and toward Resurrection Sunday.
Please look for a continuation of the “Better Together” theme in mid-May.

February 20, 2022

“Who cares?" If someone came up to you in a conversation and expressed that point of view - felt their contribution was being utterly overlooked or under appreciated - could your name be given?

February 13, 2022

One of the greatest things about a church service is being together, in one place, lifting our hearts in worship to a Holy, Sovereign and WORTHY God. His presence in our midst inspires all blessing and honor and glory be given to Him.

February 6, 2022

It might be a coffee shop or a neighborhood lunch counter where eating a meal together becomes a sacred act, taking place around the Lord's table. It didn't take place in church, but don't you wish it had?

January 30, 2022

The Book. That’s where it all starts.

January 23, 2022

"I am not myself by myself" - Eugene Peterson. Two years of isolation and separation has amplified our deep need to live in relationship with one another. We are going to do that this year. Eugene Peterson was right - we are not ourselves by ourselves.