Palm Sunday & Easter 2020


Jesus reminded His disciples before His departure into heaven to affirm and reflect on their faith in Him; trust and be confident of His love for them and be filled with hope, for He would return for them. Friends, this period of separation is only for a time and what a glorious day it will be when we unite, face to face, again.  


Our bodies always tell us when we're hungry. If yours is like most families, there is some debate about what everyone is hungry for. It's the classic ritual of trying to pick a place to eat away from home.  Our souls are also hungry and we can feel it...but what are we hungry for? Our hunger may feel vague and a bit hard to describe but God understood our hunger perfectly and sent His Son Jesus so that we may know Him.


So this is the question: If our salvation cost Jesus his own life blood and abandonment by His Father, what more could we pay? If He proclaims, "It is finished," what more could we do?